LBA Safety School Support

We provide support for schools across Essex and the UK.

LBA Safety has supported catering in the education sector since the early noughties. It all started with Lesley, who at the time was a Chair of Governors, supporting local schools transition from central provision into single site operations. Lesley also chaired the School Meals Steering Committee supporting Essex Schools during the time Jamie Oliver started his campaign for healthier school dinners.

Since that time we have tweaked and adjusted how we support schools and today have a package that is tailored entirely to school catering operations. This package covers a broad range of activities from not only keeping food safe, but how to effectively manage the operation in relation to finances, staffing and refurbishment and redesign.

We have a dedicated education catering team who bring a wealth of knowledge to the table supported by the Environmental Health foundations of LBA.

Below is just a snippet of some of the things LBA support schools with:

  • Provision of food safety management systems
  • In-house tailored training in allergens, food safety, financial management and more
  • Supplier frameworks to ensure best value
  • Recipe and menu provision and advice on meeting the school foods standards
  • Frequent update webinars throughout the academic year
  • Conferences and events

If you’re interested in one of our support packages please reach out to one of our team for further information.

LBA Safety has recently partnered with LACA, the school food people, who are the lead authority in catering in education. LACA recognises the importance in schools having appropriate safeguarding in place for school catering and LBA Safety are now providing our services nationally to LACA members. If you’re interested in the LACA offer, please visit this link for further details:

Open Course Calendar

Our courses run in venues around Essex, always include refreshments, lunch and comprehensive course materials.

We work hard to keep up to date so our training is informative and we like to inject some fun!

Find out more below.

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